The Wedding Help Line

Guest List Card File Form

After you have combined your Guest Lists (Bride, Groom, Bride's parents, Groom's parents), you should put each couple, family, or individual on an index card. Using the Form below, fill in their information. Later, when they give you a Shower Gift, Wedding Gift, and/or RSVP (accept or regret) for the wedding, you can put this information on their card.

You should take a pink magic marker and go across the top of the cards for the Bride's side, and take a blue magic marker and mark the top of the cards for the Groom's side. Later, if someone has not responded, you will automatically know whose side they are from.

Once you have completed all of your cards, put them in alphabetical order, using dividers, in an index card box. As your responses come in, mark their card, then move their card to the back of the box, keeping the accepts and regrets separate.

As your wedding date gets closer, you can count how many RSVP's you have, to help you determine ordering quantities. You can also tell from looking in the box, who has not responded, in case you need to contact them.

Guest(s) Name: _______________________________________
Address: _______________________________
City, State, Zip: ________________________________________
Phone: __________________
Invitation Sent: RSVP: (# of guests)
Wedding: _____
Shower: _____
Wedding: _____
Shower: _____
Gifts: Acknowledged: (Thank You's)
Shower - Shower -
Wedding - Wedding -

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